La Via delle Orecchiete di Bari 2023

The Bari Orecchiette Way 2023

The Colors of Christmas between Orecchiette and Traditions. The characteristic Via delle Orecchiette in Bari Vecchia is tinged with the colors of Christmas for the first time. Our association created this initiative to make the well-known street of the old city even more welcoming, where the famous ladies of the orecchiette keep the tradition alive, not only of the typical Bari pasta, but also of all the Christmas sweets that cannot be missing from the tables of Baresi.

In addition to these features and traditions, in this 2023, thanks to our initiative, the Orecchiette Street has been wrapped in Christmas colors as gifts from Santa Claus and with greetings from each of the characteristic ladies who always greet the many visitors with a smile. We invite you this Christmas to visit the Orecchiette Street in Bari Vecchia, to enjoy this feature and return greetings to the orecchiette ladies. With Best Wishes from theTerra di Bari Extralberghiero Association

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